Weird Technology Wednesday- Remote Control Wand
Today on Weird Technology Wednesday we are going to talk about a magic wand......A magic wand that controls your TV "with a flick of a wrist". This device is perfect for a person for me. I love Harry Potter but I am also lazy. Make a TV remote that you can control your TV with a flick of a wrist that looks like a wand and perfect. This thing doesn't just work on TV's, it works on anything that needs an infrared remote. This wand has up to 13 gestures pre-built in, some of which include opening a DVD drawer by pulling the wand back or rolling the wand in your wand in your hand to turn up the volume. With this wand, there is also an option to go into learning mode where you can program it to do whatever you like. In my opinion, this wand is pretty cool. What do you think? For more information visit: To buy this wand visit: